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The objective of this project was to determine the area-to-depth relationship in Lake Behnke, which acts as the principal stormwater drainage basin for the University of South Florida campus in Tampa, Florida. Data previously collected in a stormwater management study by Jeffery Earhart illustrated a linear correlation between the lake's area and depth; however, that study was conducted in 1998, and this present work serves to double check that correlation. We analyzed a bathymetric map of Lake Behnke that displayed several contour lines indicating depth and approximated the area inside each closed curve with a contour integral. The resulting relationship between area and elevation was determined to be more parabolic than linear.

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Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics

Laurie Walker, Director of USF Botanical Gardens

Problem Suggested By:

Van Deryl Wagner, Facilities Planning and Construction, USF