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body image, construct validity, eating disorders, risk factor, thin‐ideal internalization

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Objective: Although the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire (SATAQ) and Ideal Body Stereotype Scale (IBSS) are used interchangeably to assess thin ideal internalization, limited work has examined the assumption that the two measures index the same construct.

Method: The current study utilized confirmatory factor analysis to examine whether these measures capture a single construct (one‐factor), two constructs (two‐factor), or both shared and unique constructs (bifactor). The SATAQ‐4R‐Internalization: Thin/Low Body Fat subscale and IBSS‐Revised were administered to 1,114 college females.

Results: A bifactor model provided the best fit to the data. Further, the SATAQ‐4R was more strongly related to disordered eating and body satisfaction than the IBSS‐R.

Discussion: Results indicate that the two most commonly used measures of internalization capture both shared and unique constructs. While both measures appear to contribute to the assessment of a global internalization factor, the SATAQ‐4R may be better suited to assess personal acceptance of and desire to achieve a thin body, while the IBSS‐R may be better suited to assess an awareness or acknowledgement of broader sociocultural ideals (e.g., toned, shapely bodies). Continued psychometric investigation of the scales is recommended in order to ensure targeted assessment of the intended constructs.

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Citation / Publisher Attribution

International Journal of Eating Disorders, v. 51, issue 4, p. 363-367

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Thompson, JK, Schaefer, LM, Dedrick, RF. On the measurement of thin‐ideal internalization: Implications for interpretation of risk factors and treatment outcome in eating disorders research. Int J Eat Disord. 2018; 51: 363– 367; which has been published in final form at 10.1002/eat.22839. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.

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