Convergent and Divergent Validity of the START with the PCL:SV and HCR-20: Forensic and Civil Patients

Karen L. Petersen
Tonia L. Nicholls
Sarah L. Desmarias
Catherine Wilson
Nathalie Gagnon
Johann Brink
Kevin Douglas
Stephen Hart


The psychometric properties of the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability are examined in two unique populations and under distinct admistration techniques. In the first study, risk assessments were conducted via interview and file review in civil psychiatric patients. The HCR-20 and PCL-SV were administered by a research assistant blind to the START. In the second study, we sampled forensic psychiatric patients; all measures were completed based on file review only and administered by one research assistant. The results of both studies provide evidence for convergent and divergent validity of START with other well-established risk assessment measures.