
Labor unions, workers’ rights, strikes, and boycotts all figure prominently Ybor City’s cigar manufacturing history. The strike of 1920-1921 serves as the focus of this lesson, shedding light on this important industry to Florida’s economy.

Cigar City Strike.shorter.pptx (2582 kB)
PowerPoint (Short Ver.)

Cigar City Strike.longer.pptx (2480 kB)
PowerPoint (Long Ver.)

HO1.Bitter Strikes Brought Deviled Crabs.docx (360 kB)
Handout 1

Image 1 - Cigar Workers on Strike - 1920.jpg (60 kB)
Image 1



Lesson 5: “İHuelga!” (Strike!)

Labor unions, workers’ rights, strikes, and boycotts all figure prominently Ybor City’s cigar manufacturing history. The strike of 1920-1921 serves as the focus of this lesson, shedding light on this important industry to Florida’s economy.