

  • Integrated evaluation of karst evidences
  • Geophysical signatures of sinkhole stages
  • Evolutionary model of sinkhole evidences
  • Karstic sinkhole inventory aided by geophysics and field inspection


Evaluation of karst hazards benefits from the integration of different techniques, methodologies and approaches. Each one presents a different signature and is sensitive to certain indicators related to karst hazards. In some cases, detailed analysis permits the evaluation of representativeness either from isolated approaches or by means of integrated analyses. In this study, we present the evaluation of an area with high density of karstic collapses at different evolutionary stages through the integration of surficial, historical, geomorphological and geophysical data in order to finally define the evolutionary model for karst activity development. The obtained dataset permits to identify different steps in sinkhole evolution: (i) cavities and open sinkholes, (ii) filling of these cavities, with materials having different signatures, (iii) the progression from collapses to subsidence sinkholes and (iv) enlargement through collapses in marginal areas of previous sinkholes. The presence of different stages of this evolutionary model permits to determine their own signatures that can be of application in contexts where analysis cannot be so systematic and also to evaluate the definition of the marginal areas of previous sinkholes as the most hazardous sectors.



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