Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Geography, Environment and Planning

Major Professor

Elizabeth Strom

Committee Member

Ambe Njoh, PhD

Committee Member

Shannon Bassett, M.A.


Development, Florida, Politics, Race, Sunbelt, Urban Decline


The City of Bradenton is a patchwork city, whose neighborhoods vary greatly in quality. While its neighborhoods differ in type based on consumer preference, they vary in quality because of federal, state, and local planning and urban policy. These policies have resulted in inequality of place and race, clustering racial minorities in center city neighborhoods with deteriorated infrastructure and income inequality. This impacts the ability of the City to be competitive with other cities as a metropolitan whole. The City's economically and racially segregated neighborhoods are not the inevitable outcome of market forces, but rather reflect decades of federal, state, and local policy decisions. This study will provide new scholarship in the body of knowledge about inner city decline in small Sunbelt cities.
