NCTR is a program within the Center for Urban Transportation Research as a result of Congressional designations of University Transportation Centers (UTCs) beginning in 1991. In 2002, 2006, and 2011, CUTR successfully competed to retain NCTR’s status as a UTC.

The objectives of UTCs are to advance the nation’s transportation system through research, education, and technology transfer. NCTR has been one of only two transit-focused UTCs. CUTR works closely with the FTA and the FDOT to identify and conduct research projects intended to improve public transit safety, state of good repair, economic competitiveness, livability, and environmental sustainability. USF is the lead institution for the most recently awarded UTC federal grant in collaboration with North Dakota State University, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Florida International University. Each partner secure matching funds from the state and local level to match the federal grant. This partnership expands NCTR’s access to other experienced transit researchers. In addition to conducting extensive research, NCTR provides opportunities for students to become familiar with transit and alternative forms of transportation as a potential career.


Submissions from 2004


2003 Transportation Management Association Survey, CUTR


Analysis of Florida Transit Bus Accidents, CUTR


Commuter Choice Program Case Study Development and Analysis, CUTR

Coordinated Pre-Preemption of Traffic Signals to Enhance Railroad Grade Crossing Safety in Urban Areas and Estimation of Train Impacts to Arterial Travel Time Delay, CUTR


Customized Sampling Plans: A Guide to Alternative Sampling Techniques for National Transit Database (NTD) Reporting, CUTR


Design Elements of Effective Transit Information Materials, CUTR


Designing Bus Transfer Facilities for Maximum Transit Agency and Community Benefit, CUTR


Evaluation of Automated Vehicle Technology for Transit – 2016 Update, CUTR


Evaluation of Shared Use Park and Ride Impact on Properties, CUTR


Florida Statewide TDM Clearinghouse, CUTR


Identifying the Characteristics of Successful Local Transit Circulator Systems in Residential Areas of Southeast Florida, CUTR


Impacts of Transfer Fares on Transit Ridership and Revenue, CUTR


Model Regulations and Plan Amendments for Multimodal Transportation Districts, CUTR


Price Elasticity of Rideshare: Commuter Fringe Benefits & Parking Cash-Out, CUTR


Public Transportation Syntheses Series: Fare, Free or Something in Between?, CUTR


Public Transportation Syntheses Series (III): Relationships Between Business and Public Transportation and Identifying the Characteristics of Successful Local Transit Circulator Systems in Residential Areas of Southeast Florida, CUTR


Ridership Biases and Allocation of Transit Formula Grants, CUTR


Rideshare/511 Signage in the U.S. and Canada, CUTR


Transit Ridership Models at the Stop Level, CUTR


Worksite Trip Reduction Model and Manual, CUTR