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This paper analyzes the novel Caja de fractales (2017) by Puerto Rican writer Luis Othoniel Rosa, which portrays an original proposal of the humanist artist’s role in a time of ecocide. The novel belongs by its own right to the Climate Fiction subgenre. It proposes that we should evolve towards a more humane and less harmful humanity thanks to a recycled mentality, which could adapt and consequently make us survive our anthropocenic era. This essay also argues the importance of the novel in the current literary scene; it points out the author’s interpretation of what humanism is confronting the risk of a possible human extinction, and compares it with the similar vision of other theorists of humanism in our time of Anthropocene. Finally, it translates Othoniel Rosa´s survival proposal into a mixture based on artistic cooperation and empathic action that would give rise to human salvation through a new civilizational paradigm, now that Petrocapitalism has been overcome.



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