
Author Biography

Ahmad Shehabat

Undertaking PhD degree at the school of the Arts ,English and media at the university of Wollongong (Australia). Thesis title: beyond Twitter revolutions: investigating digital media logistics of ISIS networks.

Dr.Teodor Mitew

Senior lectures at school of Arts, English and media at the University of Wollongong

Dr. Yahya Alzoubi

Casual lecturer at the university of Technology Sydney, department of computer science



Subject Area Keywords

Counterterrorism, Cybersecurity, Information operations, Iraq, Networks and network analysis, Small wars and insurgencies, Social media, Strategic communications, Terrorism / counterterrorism


The study aims to capture links between the use of encrypted communication channel -Telegram and lone wolf attacks occurred in Europe between 2015-2016. To understand threads of ISIS communication on Telegram we used digital ethnography approach which consists of the self-observation of information flows on four of ISIS’s most celebrated telegram Channels. We draw on public sphere theory and coined the term terror socio-sphere 3.0 as the theoretical background of this study. The collected data is presented as screenshots to capture a visual evidence of ISIS communication threads. This study shows that ISIS Telegram channels play critical role in personal communication between potential recruits and dissemination of propaganda that encourage ‘lone wolves’ to carry attacks in the world at large. This study was limited to the number of the channels that have been widely celebrated.
