

J. A. Birstein


The representatives of the genus Stenasellus (sensu lato) in Africa have been previously known from Cote d’lvoire, bassin of the Congo and Somali. The new species of this genus was collected from the well in the town Sicascau (Mali). This species differs from all others in the structure of the carpopodites of pereopods II-IV which are enlarged and armed with multiple curved spines. This character shows a distinct sexual dimorphism. In all other features St. laticarpus sp.n. belongs to the group of St. gjorgjevici Rac. and shows the closest resemblance to St. africanus Monod. It is now preferable to conserve the unity of the genus Stenasellus (sensu lato). The validity of the African endemic genera Metastenasellus Magniez, Parastenasellus Magniez and Magniezia Lanza needs to be confirmed.


