

Mateiaş Limestone represents a lithostratigraphic unit included in the Braşov Series, which is a component of the eastern end of the Getic Nappes’ cover (the Getic carbonate platform). The study of the Mateiaş Limestone in Hulei-Mateiaş-Măgura area has evidenced three main facies, and five microfacies types. The Kimmeridgian (possibly also Early Tithonian) age of the Mateiaş Limestone has been assigned based on a microfossil association identified in thin sections. The regional framework, as well as their sedimentological and micropaleontological features point to the deposition of these limestones on shelf margin and slope environments; the succession in the studied area corresponds to the lower-median part of the carbonate deposits developed in more internally eastern parts of the Getic carbonate platform.
