

The paper presents the results of the palynologic studies carried on the samples recovered the W1 well from Cerneţi. These rocks were assigned to Meotian and Pontian deposits. The Meotian deposits, 40 m thick are characterized by a paly-nological spectrum consisting from: Ferns (3-4%), Conifers (56-62%), Monocotyledon-ous Angiosperms (1-2%), Dicotyledonous Angiosperms (33-40%). The microflora was compared with the pollinic spectrum from the Late Meotian deposits between Teleajen and Dâmboviţa (Cioflică, 1969). The Pontian intercepted between m 112 and m 36 keeps a relatively uniform microflora: Ferns (5%), Conifers (60%), Monocotyledonous Angiosperms (1%), Dicotyledonous Angiosperms (34%). This microflora was compared with the pollinic spectrum from the Lower Pontian deposits from Batoţi and from the Upper Pontian deposits from V. Vişenilor and V. Boierească. The paper infers on paleocli-matic circumstances specific to the forest vegetation during the Meotian and Pontian times, and also contains a reconstitution of the source vegetation for the studied and identified sporo-pollinic material.
