Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department

Global Health

Major Professor

Robert Novak, Ph.D., MS

Committee Member

Benjamin Jacob, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Charles Mbogo, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Wilbur Milhous, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Thomas Unnasch, Ph.D.


Vector Ecology, Malaria, Anopheles, Surveillance, Remote Sensing


Mosquito species of the Anopheles gambaie complex are the predominant vectors of malaria transmission throughout sub-Saharan Africa. These mosquitoes tend to be endophilic, as well as anthropophilic, making them prime candidates for disease transmission. Within the same region, related mosquito vectors play a significant role in the transmission of additional human and zoonotic diseases. Furthermore, mosquito nuisance biting is an immense issue that cannot be ignored in terms of its impact on African communities. Depending on the respective factors involved, mosquito control programs throughout the continent have attempted to tackle these issues in a multitude of ways. This research approached the issue by developing and integrating an American-style mosquito control district within the eastern Ugandan community of Papoli. The basic structure of such a district was blended with a community-based approach, employing local community members and leaders, thus ensuring an effective and sustainable program. A guide detailing all aspects and steps needed to properly develop and implement such a program is outlined.
