Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

World Languages

Major Professor

María Esformes, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Sonia Wohlmuth, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Carlos Cano, Ph.D.


posmodernidad, metaficción, literatura, franquismo, España


In this thesis we will study Luis Landero's Novel, Caballeros de fortuna, specifically the creation by the characters of an alternate life that they create through fiction. As a result of a failed life that resembles the effect of the years that Spain experienced Francisco Franco's dictatorial regime, these characters, unable to fight insecurity and rootlessness produced by the society of this era, become victims of utopian desires that result in the creation of an alternative life lived in fiction. At the same time, we can observe how this life style leads to the emergence of a critical study of historical past events, which is a reevaluation of them. Through the application of Hutcheon’s postmodern theory which appeared in her books A poetics of Posmodernism and The Politics of Posmodernism, this study will judge how the past, which has been fictionalized by the characters, contributes to the emergence of a rewriting of history that opposes the ideology of totalization and homogenization that has been attributed.
