Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Wilfrido A. Moreno, Ph.D.

Committee Member

James T. Leffew, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Miguel Labrador, Ph.D.


WSN, FPGA, Motes, Remote sensing, Hostile environments


Ever since the University of California, Berkeley released the first commercial Wireless Sensor Network, (WSN), "mote", applications that employ the WSN technology have increased many fold. There are many kinds of prototypes and architectures for WSNs that are being developed by major communication companies. Due to the lack of a common standard for different physical and MAC layer protocols, interoperability among the wireless systems is constrained. Additionally, remote sensing capability, reconfigurability and interoperability have not yet been designed. In the current platforms hardware upgrading has to be performed on-site by replacing the old sensors with new ones. This procedure increases considerably the costs of deployment and maintenance. On-site upgrading also imposes serious constraints on applications that operate in very limited access environments. Due to such constraints, it is imperative that Wireless Sensor Networks platforms be developed that solve these challenges, including the remote environmental sensing.

This research focused on developing a conceptual solution using an embedded based reconfigurable platform for Wireless Sensor Networks. The design of the integrated wireless sensor network proposed in this thesis deals with features such as ultra low power embedded solutions, software defined radio techniques and power management strategies to enable maximum system autonomy. In addition, this thesis presents the design of a development platform along with a test-bed configuration. The environmental sensing for disaster mitigation is used as a case study throughout this work. The data for this project was obtained from a project involving the use of Wireless Sensor Networks for flash-flood detection and an early-warning alert system
